Eating Disorder Recovery – What to focus on first

The symptoms take priority over the cause … initially. In Eating Disorder (ED) recovery, symptoms of the eating disorder are treated as first priority. 99.9% of the time, this is achieved through intensive administration of improved nutrition. Getting the dose correct is key, think of food as the medicine. Not enough wont have the desired…


Why do I have to eat so much food in recovery?

Most often in treatment, the initial focus will be on nutritional rehabilitation, to assist in reversing the physical damage of malnutrition and to begin reversing the psychological effects of starvation. Eating enough for your body will vary depending on your individual needs, and this is where working with an Accredited Practicing Dietitian who specialises in…


Dealing with setbacks in eating disorder recovery

Let’s first start by recognizing that setbacks are always possible and often common in eating disorder recovery. It is rarely a straight trajectory and smooth sailing. What is most important is how you prepare for, respond to and manage any setbacks. Setbacks can occur for all kinds of reasons. For Example, stress, illness, or circumstances…


Treatment option for ARFID

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, commonly known as ARFID, is an eating disorder that is frequently overlooked. When a person experiences ARFID and is left undiagnosed, the persistent challenges with eating can lead to serious concerns to a person’s physical and mental health. A person with ARFID will avoid or restrict food due to one…


Grocery Shopping During Eating Disorder Recovery

Grocery shopping is arguably one errand that everyone must do. For someone without an eating disorder, the supermarket can be enjoyable, yet it can also be an unpleasant task when trying to find the aisle with the food you are after and navigate the trolley. However, for someone suffering from an eating disorder, it is…


Navigating Food-Centric Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, which means it is time to start preparing and planning to make this time of the year, as enjoyable and manageable as possible, no matter where you are on your recovery journey. You are welcome to consider all the points below or select those that you feel are most…
